Neoveris Gel

Prevention of varicose veins

Gel Neoveris
Kč 1780Kč 890

Buy Neoveris

50% Discount

An innovative drug for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins - Neoveris gel has appeared in the Czech Republic. Restores normal blood circulation by strengthening and cleansing the walls of blood vessels, maintains vascular tone, relieves pain and heaviness in the legs.

How to get Neoveris

Gel Neoveris is not sold in pharmacies, it can be purchased only on the official website. Now the gel is sold at a 50% discount, the price of the drug is Kč 890. Leave your phone number and name in the application to order and wait for the operator to call again to clarify the details.

Neoveris will protect your feet from varicose veins

Numerous studies in the Czech Republic have shown that about 60% of women and 40% of men suffer from varicose veins of the lower extremities. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - constant pain and heaviness in the legs, sudden convulsions, circulatory disorders, the appearance of purple vascular stars and curved blue veins on the surface of the skin. To prevent the development of the disease, doctors recommend the use of a new drug for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins - Neoveris gel, an effective and safe tool that helps from the first dose.

Gel for varicose veins Neoveris: about the product

Neoveris belongs to phlebotonics and is available in the form of a transparent gel with a delicate texture. The gel contains natural ingredients that have a significant effect on varicose veins. The main purpose of the drug is to improve vascular tone, relieve convulsions, relieve pain, restore normal blood flow. Studies have not found allergic reactions to the components of the composition or adverse interactions with other drugs. Prevention of varicose veins takes 10-15 days, treatment requires at least 30 days. Gel from varicose veins Neoveris is not recommended for use during pregnancy, lactation, in the presence of open wounds.

Movement of the vehicle for hypertension Neoveris

With varicose veins, the trigger is a rupture of the venous valves due to a decrease in the elasticity of the fibers, weakening of the muscle tissue and slowing of the venous blood flow. As a result, the walls of the arteries become thinner, and local aneurysm-like dilatations form, causing the arteries to rupture. Conditionally, we can distinguish six stages in the development of venous dilatation of the vessels of the lower extremities:

Stages of varicose veins symptoms
0 stage There are no visible symptoms, a feeling of heaviness in the legs is possible
1st stage Appearance of spider veins, veins are described.
Stage 2 The veins are very swollen, often there are leg pains, night cramps
3 stages The veins are twisted, swollen, the formation of bumps, the legs are regularly swollen
4 stages The skin becomes inflamed and begins to change color
5 stages Pre-wounds, severe pain
6 stages Development of persistent trophic ulcers, risk of gangrene

Gel Neoveris is a universal drug suitable for the treatment of any stage of varicose veins. The active ingredients increase vascular tone, reduce capillary permeability, normalize microcirculation and lymph drainage, eliminate venous blood stasis. Its action is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, preventing relapses and improving quality of life.

Neoveris prevents the development of vascular pathologies

Neoveris Bride Benefits:

Clinical studies of Neoveris gel

In 2021, independent clinical trials of Neoveris gel for the treatment of varicose veins were conducted in the Czech Republic. The study covered both women and men diagnosed with varicose veins at different stages. After a month-long course of gel use, positive dynamics was observed in 97% of participants - complete or partial disappearance of spider veins and crooked veins (depending on the stage). Another 87% reported that Neoveris relieved them of pain syndrome on first application. There were no cases of allergic reactions. According to the test results, the Czech Republic has confirmed that Neoveris gel is one of the safest and most effective drugs for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

Bride composition from varicose veins Neoveris

Gel Neoveris has a unique formula, where each component enhances the positive properties of other ingredients and blocks their negative effects. The gentle and directed action of the active ingredients does not damage other tissues and organs, which makes the drug completely safe for both treatment and prevention. The basis of the bride:

Gel Neoveris for the prevention of varicose veins in the Czech Republic can not be obtained from pharmacies. The only possible and safe option to buy the drug is to order it on the official website. Now you can do it for Kč 890 - what is the cost in another country, because there is a 50% discount. There is no need to pay in advance, the goods are paid after receipt at the post office in your city.

Doctor's review

Doctor phlebology Jiří Valenta Jiří Valenta
11 years
Varicose veins of the lower extremities in themselves cause many problems, but its complications, especially the formation of blood clots, bleeding and the appearance of trophic ulcers, pose a great danger. The drug is effective only in the early stages of varicose veins, so it is very important to start treatment on time. In the Czech Republic, Neoveris gel is recognized as one of the best drugs - an effective and safe tool to prevent further development of the disease.